The product information currently viewed is as of February 21st, 2024.
Thank you for your patience until the latest information is released.
Always hope it is sunny on a happy day out,
but my worry is about UV rays...
Something I can start today
to protect my skin gently
and comfortably
Apply on the hair
and the body
Transparent UV Spray
Can wear clothes
right after applying
UV Smooth Gel
Complete skincare
and UV care only with this
Moisturizing UV Serum
Easy to reapply
and instant smooth skin
Dry-touch UV Stick
Spray to finish makeup
Makeup Protection UV Spray
Super cool like sherbet
Cool UV Spray P
Refresh with popping bubbles
Refresh Popping UV Gel
For brightening* care
Non Chemical Whitening UV Cream
*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
For gentleness
Non Chemical UV Gel F
For more transparency*
& moisturizing
Non Chemical UV Cream F
*Due to moisturizing effect
Protect your skin with UV-yohou series!