The product information currently viewed is as of February 21st, 2024.
Thank you for your patience until the latest information is released.
Product Lineup
Clear enough
Okay even if spray
on clothes or shoes*
Transparent UV Spray
*This spray is not for clothes.
Please note that the application may stain depending on the material.
Can wear clothes
right after applying
UV Smooth Gel
Complete your morning skincare
and UV care only with this
Moisturizing UV Serum
Be smart on the way
Smooth skin lasts just by aslide
Dry-touch UV Stick
Keep morning makeup fresh
Instantly smooth feel
No more shiny face
Makeup Protection UV Spray
Reapply and refresh
even on a sweltering day
Cool UV Spray P
Refresh Popping UV Gel
Refresh Popping UV Gel
Vitamin C derivative
suppresses the cause of spots
Non Chemical Whitening
UV Cream
*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
Carefully made formula
for sensitive skin
OK from 1-year-old!
Non ChemicalUV Gel F
More transparency
without white cast & hydrate
Protects moisture
Moisturizing UV Cream