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*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
Non Chemical
UV Cream
SPF50+ PA++++
*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
Medicated Brightening*
Moisturizing UV Cream
UV absorber-free (Non-chemical)
*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
There are "UV absorbers" and "UV scattering agents" to prevent UV rays.
“UV absorbers” absorb UV rays and release them from the skin by converting them into different energies such as heat. As a result, UV rays do not pass through the skin.
It does not make skin absorb UV rays or make skin heated, but rarely, irritation may occur depending on the constitution or skin sensitivity.
“UV scattering agents” release the UV rays by reflecting them on the skin's surface and prevent them from infiltrating into skin.
“UV scattering agents” are said to give less skin damage, thus recommended for people with sensitive skin.
UV-yohou Non Chemical Series uses “UV scattering agents” and is free from “UV absorbers”.
UV rays greatly affect skin troubles and aging.
More people think they want UV care all year round, not just summer! Or definitely don’t want to get spots and freckles due to UV rays! For those who want to protect skin without stress.
A medicated UV cream which combines “protecting skin gently and firmly” by non-chemical + brightening effect.
Cannot leave a parasol all year round, and even worried about the sunlight reflecting off the ground.
Looking for a gentle item, but want multiple effects...
A UV cream like a reassuring charm that makes such wishes come true.
After toning your skin with face lotion, it takes care of all the rest - moisturizing, brightening care, primer, and UV care! Protects your skin 365 days.
Feels moisturizing
as if wrapped by moisture.
Moisture lasts & prevents shiny skin by sebum. Protects fresh makeup.
SPF50+ PA++++
Blocks UV rays
Full brightening care
containing vitamin C derivative.
Vitamin C derivative suppresses the formation of melanin, which increases with exposure to UV rays and prevents spots and freckles.
“Potential spots” are the accumulated melanin. If left untreated, they may appear on the skin surface after a couple of years...
Act now and no regrets!
“Blocking UV rays” & “Preventing the formation of spots” are the keys.
*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
Want to limit the stress on skin as much as possible as it is a daily item!
Made to be comfortable to use and gentle on skin without the six ingredients (UV absorber, colorant, fragrance, mineral oil, paraben, or alcohol).
More and more beach resorts in the world implement regulations on the sales and use of sunscreens containing ingredients harmful to coral growth.
UV-yohou Non Chemical Series does not contain UV cut ingredients that are being regulated in some parts of the world. It was unforgettably impressive when I saw beautiful corals on a remote island abroad more than ten years ago..!
“We must pass the nature to future generations,” I thought.
Our individual contributions may be inconsiderable.
However, choosing ocean-friendly sunscreens is a step forward to protect the precious nature, and to leave it for good.
UV-yohou Non Chemical Whitening UV Cream
SPF50+ PA++++
Want to prevent spots and freckles while blocking UV rays!
Non Chemical Whitening UV Cream is for you.
Vitamin C derivative suppresses the formation of melanin,
which increases with exposure to UV rays and prevents spots and freckles.
*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
After lotion, apply an appropriate amount evenly in the last step of your skincare routine.
Use a makeup remover for cleansing.
Can be used on the decollete.
UV rays pour down 365 days no matter the weather
“UV-yohou” series is sunscreen series focused on usability and gentleness.
Protects from UVA and UVB, the causes of spots, freckles, and wrinkles,
and protects skin of your whole family from UV rays.
Apply on the hair
and the body
Transparent UV Spray
Can wear clothes
right after applying
UV Smooth Gel
Complete skincare
and UV care only with this
Moisturizing UV Serum
Easy to reapply
and instant smooth skin
Dry-touch UV Stick
Spray to finish makeup
Makeup Protection UV Spray
Super cool like sherbet
Cool UV Spray P
Refresh with popping bubbles
Refresh Popping UV Gel
For brightening* care
Non Chemical Whitening UV Cream
*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
For gentleness
Non Chemical UV Gel F
For more transparency*
& moisturizing
Non Chemical UV Cream F
*Due to moisturizing effect
*UV absorber-free
UV absorber-free
For you looking for more gentle skincare
The sunlight is around on the skin in various scenes 365 days a year.
Because I don't want to regret,
"I protect my skin gently and thoroughly!"
with Non Chemical products.
UV cut + Moisturizing Skincare + Primer will be completed with only this.
Let's be free from a busy morning.
The Non Chemical Series doesn’t contain UV cut ingredients that are being regulated in some parts of the world to protect beautiful corals.
Free from the six ingredients such as UV absorber and fragrance.
UV-yohou Non Chemical Whitening*UV Cream
*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
*Suppresses the formation of melanin and prevents spots and freckles.
Want to prevent spots and freckles while protecting the skin against UV rays! “Non Chemical Whitening UV Cream” is recommended for you.
Non Chemical Whitening UV Cream